Since the competition's best effort, to demilitarize (24) F-14 aircraft (2007) spanned more than 80 days, and cost US Taxpayers more than $1,000,000, HVF West has become the clear choice for security, value, and performance.
In March 2008, HVF West demilitarized thirty (30) F-14 aircraft over a period of three (3) days. The effort was witnessed by Government Verifiers, and videotaped on HVF's state of the art PTZ camera security system; the effort cost US Taxpayers less than $100.00 under HVF West's GSA Schedule 899, Contract GS-10F-0088U.
Since March 2008, HVF West has remained the clear choice for value, security and performance in the completion of the following projects:
June 2008, five (5) days; forty (40) US Navy F-14 aircraft were sized, transported to HVF facility, demilitarized, shredded, and sorted into primary metals. Value from recovered primary metals was used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW), Hazardous Materials (HazMat), and Petroleum Oil and Lubricants (POL).
August 2008, recurring; HVF West began performing recurring roll-off services for multiple VA facilities; mixed-metals scrap purchased using AMM indexed pricing and GSA Schedule terms.
August 2008, four (4) days; HVF West provided enhanced security, and disposition services under a USAF Performance Work Statement in the witnessed and videotaped shredding of one (1) B2 Stealth bomber aircraft. Value from recovered primary metals was used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of classified materials, LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
August 2008, one (1) day; one (1) USAF F-117 Stealth Fighter was demilitarized at Palmdale, CA, though subcontract with Lockheed Martin Aerospace (LM Aero). The project entailed sizing of aircraft (in Palmdale) for transportation to the HVF West facility in Tucson, AZ, where shredding and sortation was witnessed by government and LM Aero personnel. Value from recovered primary metals was used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of classified materials, LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
September 2008, five (5) days; fifty-three (53) US Navy aircraft consisting of eighteen (18) F 14's, twenty-one (21) A 4's, one (1) P 3, four (4) A 3's, two (2) A 6's, and seven (7) AH 1J Cobra helicopters, were sized, transported to HVF facility, demilitarized, shredded, and sorted into primary metals. Value from recovered primary metals was used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
November 2008, five (5) days; fifty-six (56) US Navy aircraft including (15) RF-4B's, twenty-one (21) F 4S's, twelve (12) T 2B's, and four (4) E 2B's, were sized, transported to HVF facility, demilitarized, shredded, and sorted into primary metals. Value from recovered primary metals was used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
May 2009, nine (9) days; 133 aircraft, engines and components, afterburners, gearboxes, and torque meters, from NFESC, Jacksonville, FL, were sized, transported to HVF facility, demilitarized, shredded, and sorted into primary metals. Value from recovered primary metals was used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
July 2009, two (2) days; detailed analysis of two (2) aircraft including removal and characterization of Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW), Hazardous Materials (HazMat), and Petroleum, Oils and Lubricants (POL's). Value from recovered primary metals used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
September 2009, one (1) day removal of static display F-4 Phantom at MCAS YUMA includes demilitarization, site remediation, and material recovery. Shredding, and material recovery from statically displayed aircraft at Marine Corp Air Station (MCAS) Yuma, site restoration to original condition upon completion. Value from primary metals recovered used to offset costs for labor, equipment, transportation and shredding.
September 2009, four (4) days; (1) USAF B1 Bomber and classified parts and equipment West provided enhanced security, and disposition services under a USAF Performance Work Statement in the witnessed and videotaped shredding of one (1) USAF B1 Bomber and classified parts and equipment, under contract FA810209F0001. Value from recovered primary metals used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
September 2009, one (1) day; 600 avionic modules from BAE Systems, Austin, TX, were removed and destroyed on behalf of the US Navy through BAE Systems Austin. Value of primary metals recovered used to offset project cost.
January 2010, three (3) days; analysis of two (2) rotary aircraft, including removal and characterization of Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW), Hazardous Materials (HazMat), and Petroleum, Oils and Lubricants (POL's). Value from recovered primary metals used to offset costs for remote site demilitarization, sizing, transport, shredding, material recovery, and detailed material analysis
January 2010, three (3) days; twenty five (25) US Navy aircraft, consisting of two (2) F 14's, five (5) P 3's, five (5) C 1A's, and thirteen (13) A 6E's, were sized, transported to HVF facility, demilitarized, shredded, and sorted into primary metals. Value from recovered primary metals used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
April 5, 2010, two (2) days; Eighteen (18) aircraft and Fifteen (15) Fuel Tanks were sized, transported to HVF facility, demilitarized, shredded, and sorted into primary metals. Value from recovered primary metals used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
April 2010 Four (4) days; fourteen (14) undisclosed aircraft were sized, transported to HVF facility, demilitarized, shredded, and sorted into primary metals. Value from recovered primary metals used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
June 2010, one-half (0.5) day; sensitive NASA equipment, witnessed and verified destruction with value of primary metals recovered used to offset project cost.
September 2010, five (5) days, sixty-three (63) US Navy aircraft and engine parts from US Navy aircraft were sized, transported to HVF facility, demilitarized, shredded, and sorted into primary metals. Value from recovered primary metals used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
October 2011, seven (7) days; sixty-five US Navy aircraft, helicopters, and engines, totaling 952,692 lbs., were sized, transported to HVF facility, demilitarized, shredded, and sorted into primary metals. Value from recovered primary metals used to offset costs for labor, equipment, and disposition of Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW), Hazardous Materials (HazMat), and Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants (POL).
November 2011, two (2) days; four (4) US Coast Guard aircraft, were sized and transported from South Carolina to the Alexandria, AL HVF Facility for salvage and disposition. Value from recovered primary metals used to offset costs for labor, equipment, handling, and disposition of LLRW, HazMat, and POL.
February 29, 2012, two (2) days; one (1) US Air Force B-52 was removed as a static display and demilitarized; primary metals recovered resulted in an excess amount of $46,995.00 returned to the US Treasury.
May 2012, two (2) days; demilitarization and material recovery of 400 Afterburners resulted in recoveries totaling 165,000 Ibs. of Hi-Temp metals, and $116,990.00 returned to US Treasury.
June 2012, three (3) days; 286,100 Lb. of aircraft components from AMARG facility at Davis-Monthan, Tucson were sized, transported to HVF facility, demilitarized, shredded, and sorted into primary metals. Realized value from recovered primary metals was sufficient to offset costs for labor, equipment, and handling.
June 2013, one (1) day; Demilitarization and material recovery from an unspecified number of US NAVY Aircraft and helicopters from Davis-Monthan AFB, and San Diego, CA.