Seaport-e Services
HVF West LLC (Prime Contract Holder)
HVF West LLC is principally in the business of providing logistics, transportation and associated destruction and demilitarization, HazMat handing, and disposition of military equipment; assisting Ordering Agencies in realization of recovered value from material.
HVF West, LLC facilities provide 24/7 electronic & traditional armed security, comprehensive screening of employees and visitors, and continual training for all personnel. Its demilitarization and material recovery operations feature DOD certified personnel, guaranteed on and offsite demilitarization, hazmat handling / low radiation disposition, physical transport security and High-res DVD recordings of demilitarization. Proprietary technologoes, intellectual property, and assets provide efficient destruction of equipment ranging in size from microchips to jumbo jets, with maximum recovery of aluminum, brass, copper, high temp alloys, inconel, lead, rare earth metals, silver, gold, platinum, and stainless steel, steel, titanium, zinc and others.
HVF West has been in the business of demilitarizing material for the Department of Defense for in excess of 15 years having demilitarized in excess of 100 million pounds of materials, and 2000+ tactical aircraft and related parts and equipment consisting of B-52’s, C130’s, C141’s, Titan Missiles, A4’s, A6’s, A7’s, F4’s, F5’s, F14’s, F16’s, F111’s, F105’s, T38’s, T39’s, AV8’s, P3’s, helicopters, tanks, numerous artillery pieces. HVF West has been recognized as a model in the field of demilitarization of equipment, with assigned DoDAAC codes to facilitate direct shipment of materials.
Web: HVF West LLC
Address: 6581 East Drexel Road, Tucson, AZ 85756-9216
Contact: Douglas P Fritz, Senior Vice President
Phone: (520) 750-9454
Geographic Areas: Zone 6
Functional Area: 3.13 - Inactivation and Disposal Support
Functional Area: 3.16 - Logistics Support
Functional Area:3.20 - Program Support
The HVF West LLC Team provides services to all Geographic and the Functional service areas listed below in conjunction with the Seaport-e contract. Our Team is ready to provide support to the Seaport Enhanced Program in the following disciplines:
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model Making and Pre-Production
3.5 System design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information Systems (IS) Development, Information Technology (IT) Support
3.13 Ship Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Seaport-e Contracting POC's
Contact: Joseph F. Stead Contact: Michael McCann
Phone: (520) 750-9454 Phone: (520) 750-9454
Mobile: (520) 471-4660 Mobile: (813) 476-5150 (24/7)
e-mail: e-mail: