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Seaport Enhanced Portal

Contract: N00178-11-D-6567
Agency: Naval Sea Warfare Dahlgren
Contract Expiration Date: 04 APR 2019
Program Ceiling: $50.7 bn
Available To: All of the Virtual SYSCOM (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, NAVSUP, SPAWAR, and NAVFAC), MSC, SSP, and USMC, and related Program Executive Offices (PEOs) and field activities



In the links above and below, you can access HVF West LLC's Seaport-e portal and information regarding HVF Services, Teaming Partners, and Small Business Opportunities.

For specific information regarding small business opporunities, partner opportunities, ordering information and additional information regarding the Seaport Enhanced Contract Vehicle please contact one of the individuals below for more information

DoDAAC: UY0017
6581 East Drexel Road
Tucson, AZ 85756-9210

DoDAAC: UY0016
6581 East Drexel Road
Tucson, AZ 85756-9210

Seaport-e Administration POC's

Contact: Joseph F. Stead
Phone: (520) 750-9454
Fax: (520) 750-9448
Mobile: (520) 471-4660
e-mail: joestead@hvfwest.com

Contact: Michael McCann
Phone: (520) 750-9454
Mobile: (813) 476-5150 (24/7)
24 / 7: (425) 252-9329 (CONUS/OCONUS)
e-mail: mmccann@hvfwest.com

Customer Satisfaction POC's

Contact: Michael McCann
Phone: (520) 750-9454
Mobile: (813) 476-5150 (24/7)
24 / 7: (425) 252-9329 (CONUS/OCONUS)
e-mail: mmccann@hvfwest.com

Contact: Joseph F. Stead
Phone: (520) 750-9454
Fax: (520) 750-9448
Mobile: (520) 471-4660
e-mail: joestead@hvfwest.com

Small Business Liaisons

Contact: Joseph F. Stead
Phone: (520) 750-9454
Fax: (520) 750-9448
Mobile: (520) 471-4660
e-mail: joestead@hvfwest.com

Contact: Michael McCann
Phone: (520) 750-9454
Mobile: (813) 476-5150 (24/7)
24 / 7: (425) 252-9329 (CONUS/OCONUS)
e-mail: mmccann@hvfwest.com